Miloš Savić

position: associate professor at Chair of Computer Science, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad

contact: A at B, A = svc, B =

research interests: complex network analysis, co-authorship networks and collaboration in science, network-based machine learning techniques, anomaly detection, applications of complex network analysis in software and ontology engineering, educational data analysis

[picture-2013, picture-2020]

publications [google scholar, DBLP, ORCID, scopus, e-nauka]:
Erdős number: 4 (M. Savić -- Z. Budimac -- R. Tošić -- H. Joseph Straight -- P. Erdős)

Research projects and contracts:
  • Principal investigator
    • Advanced methods for complex network analysis with applications in decision support systems, 2018-2019 [bilateral project, Serbia-Slovenia]
  • Member
    • TIGRA - Graphs in space and time: Graph embeddings for machine learning in complex dynamical systems, 2023 - 2026 [national  project - Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, website]
    • PANDORA - A Comprehensive Framework enabling the Delivery of Trustworthy Datasets for Efficient AIoT Operation, 2024 - 2027 [Horizon Europe, website]
    • BioMeld - A Modular Framework for Designing and Producing Biohybrid Machines, 2022-2025 [Horizon 2020, website]
    • GRASP - Graphs in Space: Graph Embeddings for Machine Learning on Complex Data, 2020-2022 [national project - Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, website]
    • ASCAPE - Artificial Intelligence supporting cancer patients accross Europe [Horizon 2020, website]
    • PPMA - Public Policy Making and Analysis [Erasmus+ project, website]
    • EVONANO - Evolvable platform for programmable nanoparticle-based cancer therapies [Horizon 2020]
    • Techniques for inductive learning from a wide range of partially labeled datasets about various diseases, 2020-2022 [bilateral project, Serbia-Slovenia]
    • Intelligent techniques and their integration into wide-spectrum decision support, 2014–2021 [national project]
    • C4IIoT - Cyber security 4.0: protecting the Industrial Internet Of Things [Horizon 2020, website]
    • Human-­machine harmony emotional intelligence based on the imitative brain, 2018–2019 [bilateral project, Serbia-China]
    • Intelligent computer techniques for improving medical detection, analysis and explanation of human cognition and behavior disorders, 2016-2018 [bilateral project, Serbia-Slovenia]
    • Culture-sensitive aspects in data technologies, 2014–2015 [bilateral project, Serbia-Slovenia]
    • Innovative teaching curricula, methods and infrastructures for computer science and software engineering, 2015-2018 [SCOPES institutional partnership, Switzerland-Slovakia-Serbia]
    • FETCH - Future Education and Training in Computing: How to support learning at anytime anywhere, 2013-2016 [European thematic network project]

Professional service:

Lecturer in the following courses.

Data structures and algorithms II, 2015-
Social networks, 2016-
Information retrieval, 2019-
Distributed programming, 2019-
Complex network analysis, 2019-
Machine learning in bioinformatics, 2020-
Programming 2 (for mathematicians), 2022-


Object-oriented programming I, 2019-2021
Programming languages and paradigms, 2019-2020
Practical UNIX, 2018-2019
History of informatics, 2017-2024

last update: jan25