Milos Stojakovic


The right way to spell it:
Miloš Stojaković
Милош Стојаковић
Milo\v{s} Stojakovi\'{c}


I am a professor at:

Department of Mathematics and Informatics
Faculty of Sciences
University of Novi Sad
Trg D. Obradovica 4
21000 Novi Sad

e-mail: first name "dot" last name
tel: +381-21-485-28-66
office: 46, second floor

Since 2018, I am also the head of Foundations of Computer Science group.

Research interests.
Positional games, discrete and computational geometry, discrete random structures, combinatorial algorithms, graph theory.

Short CV.
From 2016: Full Professor, University of Novi Sad,
2011 – 2016: Associate Professor, University of Novi Sad,
2006 – 2011: Assistant Professor, University of Novi Sad,
2005: Ph.D. in Computer Science, ETH Zurich (advisors: Emo Welzl and Tibor Szabó),
2001: M.Sc. (Magister degree) in Computer Science, University of Novi Sad (advisor: Joviša Žunić),
1999: B.Sc. in Mathematics, University of Novi Sad,
1999: B.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Novi Sad,
1976: Born in Novi Sad.

Publications - complete list (journal publications, conference proceedings, theses)
Google Scholar

"Dr Z. Đinđić Award", for the best young (under 35) scientist in Vojvodina in 2008 (accompanied by a grant of 1 million RSD). Awarded by Provincial Secretariat for Science of Vojvodina.
"Best Student of University of Novi Sad Award", for the best student in 1998/99, awarded by University of Novi Sad.

Editorial work.
Editor of the combinatorics section of the Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science journal.
Editor of the Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics.

List of coauthors (by # of joint papers, then alphabetically).
Dan Hefetz (10), Michael Krivelevich (8), Tibor Szabó (8), Mirjana Mikalački (4), Marko Savić (3), Eric Duchêne (2), Valentin Gledel (2), Michael Hoffmann (2)Tobias Müller (2), Nacim Oijid (2), Aline Parreau (2), Balázs Patkós (2), József Solymosi (2), Jelena Stratijev (2), Máté Vizer (2), Udo Adamy (1), Guillaume Bagan (1), János Barát (1), Omri Ben-Eliezer (1), Andrew Beveridge (1), Tobias Christ (1), Chris Dowden (1), Andrzej Dudek (1), Alan Frieze (1), Florian Galliot (1), Bernd Gärtner (1), Joachim Giesen (1), Vishwas Kalani (1), Mihyun Kang (1), Mladen Kovačević (1), Gal Kronenberg (1), Fionn Mc Inerney (1), Meghana M. Reddy (1), Gordana Manić (1), Martin Marciniszyn (1), Daniel Martin (1), Jiří Matoušek (1), Wouter Meulemans (1), Tillmann Miltzow (1), Dieter Mitsche (1), Alon Naor (1), Rajko Nenadov (1), Nicolas Nisse (1), János Pach (1), Dömötör Pálvölgyi (1), Olaf Parczyk (1), Eva Schuberth (1), Clara Shikhelman (1), Bettina Speckmann (1), Vladimir Stanković (1), Čedomir Stefanović (1), Angelika Steger (1), Vincent Tan (1), Nikola Trkulja (1), Dejan Vukobratović (1), Lasse Wulf (1).

PhD students.
Mirjana Mikalački (obtained PhD in February 2014; Thesis: Positional games on graphs)
Marko Savić (obtained PhD in October 2018; Thesis: Efficient algorithms for discrete geometry problems)
Jelena Stratijev (obtained PhD in August 2023; Thesis: Strong positional games)


3rd Novi Sad Workshop on Foundations of Computer Science NSFOCS 2024, 22-26 July, 2024. (Previous editions: NSFOCS 2017, NSFOCS 2015)

Positional games on sparse/random graphs, workshop on open problems within A Sparse (Graphs) Coalition, Online, Sep 13 - 17, 2021. Organized jointly with Mirjana Mikalački.

Mini-Workshop: Positional Games, Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics (MFO), Oberwolfach, Germany, Sep 30 - Oct 6, 2018. Organized jointly with Dan Hefetz, Michael Krivelevich and Tibor Szabó.

Book: D. Hefetz, M. Krivelevich, M. Stojaković and T. Szabó, Positional Games, Oberwolfach Seminars, Vol. 44, Birkhäuser Basel (Springer), 2014.


University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science (pages for active courses available in Moodle):

Other institutions:

The End