Monographs and scientific papers - INTERNATIONAL LIST
1. Monographs and lecture notes
2. Scientific papers in refereed international journals
3. Contributions to special volumes and international conference proceedings
1. Monographs and lecture notes
- S. Pilipović, B. Stanković, A. Takači, Asymptotic of Generalized Functions and the Stieltjes Transformation of Distributions, Teubner Texte zur Mathematik, Band 116, 1990.
- S. Pilipović, Colombeau's Generalized Functions and the Pseudo-differential Calculus, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Sci., University of Tokyo, 1994.
- M. Nedeljkov, S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalezos, Linear Theory of Colombeau's Generalized Functions, Addison Wesley, Longman, 1998.
- R. Carmichael, A. Kaminski, S. Pilipović, Notes on Boundary Values in Ultradistribution Spaces, Lecture Notes Series of Seul University, 49, 1999.
- A. Delcroix, M. F. Hasler, S. Pilipović, V. Valmorin, Sequence Spaces with Exponent Weights, Realizations of Colombeau Type Algebras, Dissertationes mathematicae (Rozprawy mat.), 447(56 p.), 2007.
- R. Carmichael, A. Kaminski, S. Pilipović, Boundary Values and Convolution in Ultradistribution Spaces, ISAAC Series on Analysis Applications and Computations, Vol. 1, World Scientific, 2007.
- S. Pilipović, B. Stanković, J. Vindas, Asymptotic behavior of generalized functions. Series on Analysis, Applications and Computation, 5. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Hackensack, NJ, 2012. xiv+294 pp..
- T. M. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, B. Stanković, D. Zorica, Fractional Calculus with Applica-tions in Mechanics: Vibrations and Diffusion Processes, ISTE - Wiley, 2014, London.
- T. M. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, B. Stanković, D. Zorica, Fractional Calculus with Applica-tions in Mechanics: Wave Propagation, Impact and Variational Principles, ISTE - Wiley, 2014, London.

2. Scientific papers in refereed international journals
- A. Kaminski, S. Pilipović, Spaces of exponential distributions, Stud. Math., LXXVII(1984), 489-498.
- S. Pilipović, On the convolution in the space of K'{Mp}-type, Math. Nachr., 120(1985), 103-112.
- S. Pilipović, A. Takači, Hypoelliptic convolution equations in the space H'{Mp}, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 32(1985), 111-127.
- S. Pilipović, Operations in the spaces \sigma'{Mp(x,q)}, Comment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli, 34(1985), 135-148.
- S. Pilipović, Generalization of Zemanian spaces of generalized functions which elements have series expansion, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 17(1986), 477-484.
- S. Pilipović, An inversion theorem for the Stieltjes transform of distributions, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., 29(1986), 171-185.
- S. Pilipović, Structural theorems for periodic ultradistributions, Proc. Am. Math. Soc., 98(1986), 261-266.
- D. Nikolić-Despotović, S. Pilipović, Tauberian theorem for the distributonal Stiltjes transform, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci., 9(1986), 521-524.
- E. Pap, S. Pilipović, Semigroups of operators on the spaces ExpA', J. Math. Anal. Appl., 126(1987), 501-515.
- S. Pilipović, B. Stanković, Abelian theorem for the distributional Stieltjes transform, Z. Anal. Anwend., 6(4)(1987), 341-349.
- S. Pilipović, Complex inversion formula for the distributional Stieltjes transform, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., 30(1987), 363-371.
- S. Pilipović, B. Stanković, Initial value Abelian theorem for the distributional Stieltjes transform, Stud. Math., 86(1987), 239-254.
- S. Pilipović, Two scale of spaces of periodic generalized functions, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 34(1987), 145-150.
- S. Pilipović, Remarks on the supports of distribution, Glas. Mat., 22(42)(1987), 375-380.
- S. Pilipović, Hilbert transformation of Beurling ultradistributions, Rend. Semin. Math. Univ. Padova, 77(1987), 1-13.
- S. Pilipović, On the asymptotic behaviour of the distributional Weierstrass transform, Appl. Anal., 25(1987), 171-179.
- S. Pilipović, Quasyasymptotic expansion and the Laplace transformation of distributions, Appl. Anal., 25(1987), 187-199.
- S. Pilipović, On the quasyasymptotic of Schwartz distributions, Math. Nachr., 137(1988), 19-25.
- Z. Lozanov-Crvenković, S. Pilipović, On some classes of generalized random linear functionals, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 129(1988), 433-442.
- S. Pilipović, On the convulation in the space D^{'(Mp)}_{L^2}, Rend. Semin. Math. Univ. Padova, 79(1988), 25-36.
- S. Pilipović, Boundary value representation for a class of Beurling ultradistributions, Port. Math., 45(1988), 201-219.
- S. Pilipović, Tempered ultradistributions, Boll. Unione Mat. Ital., 7(2-B)(1988), 235-251.
- S. Pilipović, Ultradistributional boundary values for a class of holomorphic functions, Comment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli, 37(1988), 63-71.
- S. Pilipović, On regular K'{Mp} distributions, Ann. Pol. Math., 48(1988), 31-39.
- S. Pilipović, B. Stanković, S-asymptotic of a distribution, PLISKA Stud. Math. Bulg., 10(1989), 147-156.
- S. Pilipović, On the behaviour of a distribution at the origin, Math. Nachr., 141(1989), 27-32.
- S. Pilipović, Quasiasymptotic Expansion of distributions from S'_+ and the asymptotic expansion of the distributional Stieltjes transform, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci., 12(1989), 673-684.
- S. Pilipović, On the behaviour of the distributional Stieltjes transformation at the origin, Z. Anal. Anwend, 8(1989), 169-176.
- S. Pilipović, Some operations in \Sigma'_\alpha, \alpha>1/2, Rad. Mat., 5(1989), 53-62.
- S. Pilipović, On the Laquerre expansion of generalized functions, C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada, 11(1989), 23-27.
- S. Pilipović, A note on the Cauchy Bochner formula for a class of Beurling ultradistributions, Port. Math., 46 (1989), 351-359.
- S. Pilipović, M. Stojanović, On the convolution based on the Laguerant expansion of generalized functions, God. Vissh. Uchebni Zaved., Prilozhna Mat., 25(1989), 109-120.
- S. Pilipović, A topology of the Hilbert transform of ultradifferentiable functions, Glas. Mat., 25(45)(1990), 95-102.
- R. Caramichael, R. S. Pathak, S. Pilipović, Cauchy and Poisson integrals of ultradistributions, Complex Variables, Theory Appl., 14(1990), 85-108.
- S. Pilipović, Quasiasymptotic and the transplation asymptotic behaviour of distributions, Acta Math. Hung., 55(1990), 239-243.
- S. Pilipović, Quasiasymptotic expansion and the Leplace transformation. Appl. Analisis. An Intern. Jornal, vol.35, 1990. Issue 1-4.
- D. Kapor, M. Škrinjar, S. Pilipović, Goldhirsch bosonisation approach to particular spin function, Phisics Letters A, 155(1991), 140-144.
- S. Pilipović, On the convolution in the space of Beurling ultradistributions, Comment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli, 40(1991), 15-27.
- S. Pilipović, Beurling-Gevrey tempered ultradistributions as boundary values, Port. Math., 48(1991), 483-504.
- S. Pilipović, A note on convergence in S', Proc. Am. Math. Soc., 111(1991), 949-954.
- S. Pilipović, Remarks on absolutely regular and regular K'(Mp)-distributions, Ann. Pol. Math., LIV 1(1991), 1-7.
- R. Carmichael, S. Pilipović, On the convolution and Laplace transformation in the space of Beurling-Gevrey tempered ultradistributions, Math. Nachr., 158(1992), 119-132.
- S. Pilipović, M. Stojanović, Solving convolution equations in S'_+ by numerical method, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 40(1992), 17-33.
- Z. Lozanov-Crvenković, S. Pilipović, Representation theorems Gaussian generalized random processes on \Omega×C[0, 1] and \Omega×L^1(G), Math. Japon., 37(1992), 897-908.
- D. Kovačević, S. Pilipović, On homogeneous generalized functions, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 41(1992), 277-287.
- S. Pilipović, B. Stanković, Wiener Tauberian theorems for distributions, J. Lond. Math. Soc., 47 (1993), 507-515.
- S. Pilipović, M. Stojanović, Generalized B-transform on the spaces LG'_0 and LG'_e, Rend. Circ. Math. Palermo, 33(1993), 415-426.
- R. Carmichael, R.S. Pathak, S. Pilipović, Holomorphic functions in tubes associated with ultradistributions, Complex Variables, Theory Appl., 21(1993), 49-72.
- S. Pilipović, B. Stanković, Structural theorems for S-asimptotic and quasiasymptotic of distributions, Math. Panon., 4(1993), 23-35.
- S. Pilipović, Characterization of bounded sets in spaces of ultradistributions, Proc. Am. Math. Soc., 120(1994), 1191-1206.
- S. Pilipović, M. Stojanović, B-transform and its quasiasimptotic-applications to the convolution equations (xu_{xx}+2u_x+mu)*g=h, m\leq 0, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 44(1994), 275-283.
- S. Pilipović, B. Stanković, Wiener Tauberian theorems for ultradistributions, Rend. Semin. Math. Univ. Padova, 92(1994), 209-220.
- S. Abdullah, S. Pilipović, Bounded subsets in spaces of distributions of L^p-growth, Hokkaido Math. J., 23(1994), 51-54.
- R. Carmichael, S. Pilipović, Elements of D'_ L^s (R^n) as boundary values, Trudy Math. Inst. Steklov, (Translated by AMS), 203(1994), 205-215.
- A. Kaminski, D. Kovačević, S. Pilipović, Тhе equivalence of various definitions of the convolution of ultradistributions, Trudy Math. Inst. Steklov, (Translated by AMS), 203(1994), 259-269.
- Z. Lozanov-Crvenković, S. Pilipović, Gaussian generalized random processes on K(Mp) spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 181(1994), 755-761.
- D. Nikolić-Despotović, S. Pilipović, The quasiasymptotic expansion at the origin. Abelian-type results for the Laplace and Stieltjes transforms, Math. Nachr., 174(1995), 231-238.
- S. Pilipović, Structural theorems for ultradistributions. Different aspects of differentiability, Diss. Math., 340(1995), 223–235.
- A. Kaminski, D. Kovačević, S. Pilipović, Existence theorems on the convolution of ultradistributions, Diss. Math., (1995), 93-114.
- M. Nedeljkov, S. Pilipović, Paley-Wiener type theorems for Colombeau's generalized functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 195(1995), 108-122.
- A. Kaminski, D. Kovačević, S. Pilipović, On the convolution of ultradistributions, Diss. Math., (1995), 79-91.
- D. Nikolić-Despotović, S. Pilipović, On the weak integrability and the quasiasymptotics of distributions, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 4(1995), 279-284.
- B. Tošić, S. Pilipović, Generalized Green functions, Physica A, 216(1995), 333-352.
- M. Nedeljkov, S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalézos, Division problem and partial differential equations with constant coefficients in Colombeau's space of new generalized functions, Monatsh. Math., 122(1996), 157-170.
- N. Đapić, S. Pilipović, Microlocal analysis of Colombeau's generalized functions on a manifold, Indag. Math., 7(1996), 293-309.
- S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalézos, Differential operators with generalized constant coefficients, Port. Math., 53(1996), 305-324.
- S. Pilipović, M. Stojanović, Modified Bessel transform on the spaces LG'_\alpha, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 27(1996), 265-275.
- S. Pilipović, Elements of D^{'(Mp)}_{L^s} and D^{'{Mp}}_{L^s} as boundary values of holomorphic functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 203(1996), 719-737.
- A. Kaminski, D. Perišić, S. Pilipović, On the Convolution in Gel'fand-Shilov Spaces, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 4(1996), 83-96.
- M. Nedeljkov, S. Pilipović, Generalized solution to a semilinear hyperbolic system with a non-Lipschitz nonlinearity, Monatsh. Math., 125(1998), 255-261.
- M. Nedeljkov, S. Pilipović, Convergence in new generalized function spaces, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 62(1996), 231-241.
- S. Pilipović, M. Stojanović, On the behaviour Colombeau's generalized functions at a point: Applications to semilinear systems, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 51(1997), 111-126.
- S. Pilipović, B. Stanković, Tauberian theorems for integral transforms of distributions, Acta Math. Hung., 74(1997), 135-153.
- M. Mijatović, S. Pilipović, F. Vajzović, \alpha-times integrated semigroups, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 210(1997), 790-803.
- M. Nedeljkov, S. Pilipović, A note on a semilinear hyperbolic system with generalized functions as coefficients, Nonlinear Anal., Theory Methods Appl., 30(1997), 41-46.
- S. Pilipović, B. Stanković, Convergence in the space of Fourier hyperfunctions, Proc. Japan Acad., LXXIII, A(1997), 33-35.
- M. Nedeljkov, S. Pilipović, Hypoelliptic differential operators with generalized constant coefficients, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., 41(1998), 47-60.
- R. Carmichael, S. Pilipović, The Cauchy and Poisson kernels as ultradifferential functions, Complex Variables, Theory Appl., 35(1998), 171-186.
- R. Carmichael, S. Pilipović, Cauchy and Poissons kernels for tubes, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 6(1998), 9-14.
- S. Pilipović, Linear equations with singular coefficients and non-linear equations with non-Lipschitz nonlinearities, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 6(1998), 95-110.
- S. Pilipović, B. Stanković, On the structure of a convergent family of Fourier hyperfunctions, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 6(1998), 277-288.
- S. Pilipović, Microlocal analysis of ultradistributions, Proc. Am. Math. Soc., 126(1998), 105-113.
- R. Carmichael, S. Pilipović, Boundary values in ultradistribution spaces, Complex Variables, Theory Appl., 35(1998), 195-207.
- N. Đapić, S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalezos, Microlocal analysis of Colombeau's generalized functions: Propagation of singularities, J. Anal. Math., 75(1998), 51-66.
- S. Pilipović, M. Stojanović, Generalized solutions to nonlinear Voltera integral equation with a non-Lipschitz nonlinearity, Nonlinear Anal., Theory Methods Appl., 37(1999), 319-335.
- S. Pilipović, A. Takači, N. Teofanov, Wavelets and quasiasymptotics at a point, J. Approximation Theory, 97(1999), 40-52.
- A. Eida, S. Pilipović, On the microlocal decomposition of some classes of hyperfunctions, Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc., 125(1999), 455-461.
- S. Pilipović, M. Stojanović, G-quasiasymptotics at infinity, Acta Math. Hung., 84(1999), 115-127.
- A. Kaminski, D. Perišić, S. Pilipović, The convolution and convolutors in Gel'fand-Shilov spaces of distributions, Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal., 2(1999), 657-668.
- A. Eida, S. Pilipović, Suppleness of some quotient spaces of microfunctions, Rocky Mt. J. Math., 30(2000), 165-177.
- S. Pilipović, D. Nikolić-Despotović, The quasiasymptotic expansion at the origin. Abelian-type results for the Laplace and Stiltjes transforms, Publ. Math. Nachr. 174(1995), 231-238.
- A. Kaminski, D. Perišić, S. Pilipović, Hilbert transform and singular integral transform on tempered ultradistributions, Banach Cent. Publ. 53(2000), 139-153.
- A. Kaminski, D. Perišić, S. Pilipović, Integral transforms on tempered ultradistributions, Demonstr. Math. 33(2000), 641-655.
- S. Pilipović, M. Stojanovićc, D. Nikolić-Despotović, The quasiasymptotic expansion at zero and generalized Watson lemma for Colombeau generalized functions. Publ. Math. Debrecen 57/ 1-2 (2000), 11-23.
- S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalezos, Colombeau generalized ultradistributions, Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc., 130(2001), 541-553.
- S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalezos, Regularity properties of distributions and ultradistributions, Proc. Am. Math. Soc., 129(2001), 3531-3537.
- S. Pilipović, Convolution equation in S'* - propagation of singularities, Can. Math. Bull., 44(2001), 105-114.
- A. Kaminski, D. Perišić, S. Pilipović, On the convolution in Gel'fand-Shilov spaces, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 11(2001), 363-376.
- A. Buckovska, S. Pilipović, Bilinear Hilbert transform of ultradistributions, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 13(2002), 211-221.
- S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, Wilson bases and ultramodulation spaces, Math. Nachr., 242(2002), 179-196.
- A. Buckovska, S. Pilipović, An exstension of bilinear Hilbert transform to distributions, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 13(2002), 1-15.
- N. Đapić, M. Kunzinger, S. Pilipović, Symmetry group analysis of weak solutions, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., 84(2002), 686-710.
- S. Pilipović, B. Stanković, Wiener-type Tauberian theorems for Fourier hyperfunctions, Z. Anal. Anwend., 21(4)(2002),1027-1042.
- A. Delcroix, M. Hasler, S. Pilipović, V. Valmorin, Algebras of generalized functions through sequence spaces algebras. Functioriality and Associations, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci., 1(1-2)(2002), 13-31.
- M. Oberguggenberger, S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalezos, Local properties of Colombeau generalized functions, Math. Nachr., 256(2003), 88-99.
- S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, Pseudodifferential operators on ultra-modulation spaces, J. Funct. Anal., 208(2004), 194-228
- A. Delcroix, M. Hasler, S. Pilipović, V. Valmorin, Generalized function algebras as sequence space algebras, Proc. Am. Math. Soc., 132 (2004), 2031-2038.
- A. Delcroix, M. Hasler, S. Pilipović, V. Valmorin, Embeddings of ultradistributions and periodic hyperfunctions in Colombeau type algebras through sequence spaces, Math. Proc. Cambr. Philos. Soc., 137(2004), 697-708.
- S. Pilipović, M. Stojanović, Voltera-type equations in the space S'_+, Math. Notes, 75(2004), 124-130.
- A. Kaminski, D. Perišić, S. Pilipović, On the convolution in the space of tempered ultradistributions of Beurling type, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 15 (2004), 323-329.
- O. Milenković, S. Pilipović, Fine resolution of the sheaf of germs of holomorphic projective vector fields, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl., XLIX, 5-6 (2004), 481-499.
- A. Eida, S. Pilipović, Composition of ultradistributions and corresponding microfunctions, Rocky Mt. J. Math., 35(2005), 137-147.
- S. Pilipović, Generalized hyperfunctions and megafunctions, Tokyo J. Math., 28(1)(2005), 1-12.
- S. Pilipović, M. Stojanović, Quasiasymptotic analysis in Colombeau algebra, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 302(2005), 97-128.
- M. Nedeljkov, M. Oberguggenberger, S. Pilipović, Generalized solutions to a semilinear wave equation, Nonlin. Anal., Th. Meth. Appl., 61(2005), 461-475.
- M. Nedeljkov, S. Pilipović, D. Rajter, Heat equation with singular potential and singular data, Proc. R. Soc. Edinb., 135(2005), 863-886.
- T.M. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, On a class of equations arising in linear viscoelasticity theory, ZAMM, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 85(2005), 748-754.
- T. Atanacković, M. Budinčević, S. Pilipović, On a fractional distributed-order oscillator, J. Phys. A, Math. Gen., 38(2005), 6703-6713.
- E. Cordero, S. Pilipović, L. Rodino, N. Teofanov, Localization operators and exponential weights for modulation spaces, Mediterr. J. Math., 2(2005), 381-394.
- T. Atanacković, Lj. Oparnica, S. Pilipović, On a model of viscoelastic rod in unilateral contact with a rigid wall, IMA J. Appl. Math, 71(2006), 1-13.
- S. Pilipović, M. Vuletić, Characterization of wave front sets by wavelet transforms, Tohoku J. Math., 58(2006), 369-391.
- S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalezos, Divergent type quasilinear Dirichlet problem with singularities, Acta Appl. Math., 18(2006), 789-802.
- S. Pilipović, M. Stojanović, Fractional differential equations through Laguerre expansions in abstract spaces, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 17(2006), 877-887.
- G. Hoermann, M. Oberguggenberger, S. Pilipović, Microlocal hypoellipticity of linear partial differential operators with generalized functions as coefficients, Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 358(2006), 3363-3383.
- D. Mitrović, S. Pilipović, Approximations of linear Dirichlet problems with singularities, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 313(2006), 98-119.
- S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalezos, V. Valmorin, Equalities in algebras of generalized functions, Forum Math., 18(2006), 789-802.
- R. D. Caramichel, A. Kaminski, S. Pilipović, Cauchy and Poisson integrals of ultradistributions in D`(*,L^s), Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 17(2006), 135-139.
- M. Oberguggenbrger, S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalezos, Positivity and positive definiteness in generalized function algebras, J. Math Anal. Appl., 328(2007) 1321-1335.
- M. Oberguggenbrger, S. Pilipović, V. Valmorin, Global representatives of Colombeau holomorphic generalized functions, Monatsh. Math., 151(2007), 67-74.
- T. Atanacković, Lj. Oparnica, S. Pilipović, On a nonlinear distributed order fractional differential equation, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 328(2007), 590-608.
- M. Kostic, S. Pilipović, Global Convoluted semigroups, Math. Nachr., 280(2007) No. 15, 1727-1743.
- S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, Multiresolution expansion, approximation order and quasiasymptotic behavior of tempered distributions, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 331(2007), 455-471.
- S. Pilipović, D. Seleši, Expansion theorems for generalized random processes, wick products and applications to stochastic differential equations, Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 10(2007), 79-110.
- S. Pilipović, D. Seleši, Structure theorems for generalized random processes, Acta Math. Hung., 117(3)(2007), 251-274.
- T. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, D. Zorica, A diffusion wave equation with two fractional derivatives of different order, J. Phys. A, Math. Theor., 40(2007), 5319-5333.
- C. Hanel, E. Mayerhofer, S. Pilipović, H. Vernave, Homogeneity in generalized function algebras, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 339(2008), 889-904.
- M. Kostic, S. Pilipović, Convoluted C-cosine functions and semigroups. Relations with ultradistribution and hyperfunction sines, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 338(2)(2008), 1224-1242.
- A. Buckovska, S. Pilipović, M. Vukovic, Inversion theorem for bilinear Hilbert transform, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 19(5-6)(2008), 317-325.
- T. M. Atanacković, S. Konjik, S. Pilipović, Variational problems with fractional derivatives: Euler-Lagrange equations, J. Phys. A., Math. Theor., 41(2008), 095201, 12 pp.
- P. Kunstmann, M. Mijatović, S. Pilipović, Classes of distribution semigroups, Stud. Math., 187(1)(2008), 37-58.
- S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, J. Toft, Wave-frontlests in Fourier Lebesgne spaces, Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino, 66(4)(2008), 299-319.
- S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalezos, V. Valmorin, Real analytic generalized functions, Monatsh. Math., 156(2009), 85-102
- J. Vindas, S. Pilipović, Structural Theorems for quasiasymptotics of distributions at the origin, Math. Nachr., 282(11)(2009), 1584-1599
- J. Aleksic, J.F. Colombeau, M. Oberguggenberger, S. Pilipović, Approximate generalized solutions and measure-valued solutions to conservation laws, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 20(3-4)(2009), 163-170.
- T.M. Atanacković, Lj. Oparnica, S. Pilipović, Distributional framework for solving fractional differential equations, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 20(3-4)(2009), 215-222.
- R. Mirkov, S. Pilipović, D. Selesi, Generalized stochastic processes in algebras of generalized functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 353(1)(2009), 260-270.
- T.M. Atanacković, S. Konjik, S. Pilipović, S. Simić, Variational problems with fractional derivatives: Invariance conditions and Noether's theorem, Nonlinear Anal., Theory Methods Appl., 7(5-6)(2009), 1504-1517.
- T.M. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, D. Zorica, Existence and calculation of the solution to the time distributed-order diffusion equation, Physica Scripta, (2009), T136
- T.M. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, D. Zorica, Time distributed-order diffusion-wave equation Part I: Volterra-type equation, Proc. R. Soc. Lond., Ser. A, Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., 465(2009), 1893-1917.
- T.M. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, D. Zorica, Time distributed-order diffusion-wave equation Part II: Applications of Laplace and Fourier transformations, Proc. R. Soc. Lond., Ser. A, Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., 465(2009), 1869-1891.
- T. Gramchev, S. Pilipović, L. Rodino, M.W. Wong, Spectral properties of the twisted bi-Laplacian, Arch. Math, 93(2009), 565-575.
- J. Aleksić, D. Mitrović, S. Pilipović, Hyperbolic conservation laws with vanishing nonlinear diffusion and linear dispersion in heterogeneous media, J. Evolution Equations, 9(2009), 809-829.
- S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalezos, V. Valmorin, Real analytic generalized functions, Monatsh. Math., 156(1)(2009), 85–102.
- V. Manova Eraković, S. Pilipović, V. Rečkovski, Generalized Cauchy transformation with applications to boundary values in generalized function spaces, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 21(2010), 75-83.
- S. Pilipović, D. Seleši, On the Generalized Stochastic Dirichlet Problem—Part I: The Stochastic Weak Maximum Principle, Pontential Anal., 32(2010), 363-387.
- E. Cordero, S. Pilipović, L. Rodino, N. Teofanov, Quasianalytic Gelfand-Shilov spaces with application to localization operators, Rocky Mt. J. Math., 40(2010), 1123-1147.
- T.M. Atanacković, S. Konjik, Lj. Oparnica, S. Pilipović, Generalized Hamilton's principle with fractional derivatives, J. Phys. A, Math. Theor., 43(2010), 255203 (12pp).
- J.K. Popović, M.T. Atanacković, A.S. Pilipović, M.R. Rapaić, S. Pilipović, T.M. Atanacković, Remarks on the mass balance for multi-compartmental models; a nonlinear compartmental model, Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, 37(2010), 217-220.
- J.K. Popović, M.T. Atanacković, A.S. Pilipović, M.R. Rapaić, S. Pilipović, T.M. Atanacković, A new approach to the compartmental analysis in pharmacokinetics: fractional time evolution of diclofenac, Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, 37(2010), 119-134.
- T.M. Atanacković, Lj. Oparnica, S. Pilipović, Semilinear ordinary differential equation coupled with distributed order fractional differential equation. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory Methods Appl., 72(11)(2010), 4101–4114.
- S. Pilipović, D. Selesi, On the Generalized stochastic Dirichlet problem - part II: Solvability, stability and the Colombeau case, Potental Anal., 33(2010), 263-289.
- S. Pilipović, T. Gramchev, L. Rodino, M.W. Wong, Spectra of polynonmials of the twisted Laplacian, Atti Accad. Sci. Torino, 144(2010)
- S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, J. Toft, Micro-local analysis in Fourier Lebesgue and modulation spaces. Part II, J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl., 3(2010), 341–376.
- T. Gramchev, S. Pilipović, L. Rodino, M.W. Wong, Spectral of polynomials of the twisted Laplacian, Atti Acc. Scienze, Torino, Cl. Sc. FMN, 144(2010), 145-154.
- S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, J. Toft, Micro-local analysis with Fourier Lebesgue spaces. Part I, J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 17(3)(2011), 374–407.
- S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalezos, Harmonic generalized functions in generalized function algebras, Monatsh. Math., 63(2011), 81-106.
- S. Pilipović, T. Levajkovic, D. Selesi, The stochastic Dirichlet problem driven by the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator: Approach by the Fredholm alternative for chaos expansions, Stochastic Anal. Appl., 29(2011), 317-331.
- J. Vindas, S. Pilipović, D. Rakic, Tauberian theorems for the wavelet transform, J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 17(1)(2011), 65–95.
- T. Levajkovic, S. Pilipović, D. Selesi, Chaos expansions: Applications to a generalized eigenvalue problem for the Malliavin derivative, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 22(2)(2011), 97–105.
- M. Kostić, S. Pilipović, Ultradistributions semigroops, Sib. Math. J., (2011)
- T.M. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, D. Zorica, Distributed-order fractional wave equation on a finite domain. Creep and forced oscillations of a rod, Contin. Mech. Thermodyn., 23(2011), 305-318.
- T.M. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, D. Zorica, Distributed-order fractional wave equation on a finite domain. Stress relaxation in a rod, Int. J. Eng. Sci., 49(2)(2011), 175–190.
- S. Pilipović, M. Žigić, Suppleness of the sheaf of algebras of generalized functions on manifolds, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 379(2)(2011), 482–486.
- T. Gramchev, S. Pilipović, L. Rodino, Eigenfunction expansions in R^n, Proc. Am. MAth. Soc., 139(12)(2011), 4361-4368.
- S. Pilipović, D. Stoeva, Analysis of conditions for frame functions, examples with the orthogonal functions, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 22(4)(2011), 311–318.
- S. Pilipović, D. Stoeva, Series expansions in Fréchet spaces and their duals, construction of Fréchet frames, J. Approximation Theory, 163(2011), 1729-1747.
- T.M. Atanacković, D. Dolićanin, S. Konjik, S. Pilipović, Dissipativity and stability for a nonlinear differential equation with distributed order symmetrized fractional derivative, Appl. Math. Lett. 24(6)(2011), 1020–1025.
- T.M. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, Hamilton's principle with variable order fractional derivatives, Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal., 14(2011), 94-109.
- S. Pilipović, Analytic, real analytic and harmonic generalized functions, Sarajevo J. Math., 7(2011), 207-222.
- M. Janev, T.M. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, R. Obradović, Image denoising by a direct variational minimization, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2011(1)(2011), 1-16.
- M. Janev, S. Pilipović, T.M. Atanacković, R. Obradović, N. Ralević, Fully fractional anisotropic diffusion for image denoising, Math. Comput. Modelling, 54(1-2)(2011), 729-741.
- J. Popović, D. Dolićanin, M.R. Rapajić, S. Popović, S. Pilipović, T.M. Atanacković, A nonlinear two compartmental fractional derivative model, Eur. J. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet., 36(2011), 189-196.
- K. Johansson, S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, J. Toft, Gabor pairs, and discrete approach to wave-front sets, Monatsh. Math., 166(2)(2012), 181-199.
- T.M. Atanacković, M. Janev, S. Pilipović, D. Zorica, Complementary variational principles with fractional derivatives, Acta Mech., 223(2012), 685-704.
- S. Pilipović, D. Rakić, J. Vindas, New classes of weighted Hölder-Zygmund spaces and the wavelet transform, J. Funct. Spaces Appl., (2012), 18 pp.
- M. Kostić, S. Pilipović, Ultradistributions of semigroups. (in Russian), Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 53(2012), 92-105.
- S. Pilipović, S. Simić, Frames for weighted shift-invariant spaces, Mediterranean J. Math., 9(2012), 897-912, corrections in 10(2012), 609-610.
- K. Johansson, S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, J. Toft, Micro-local analysis in some spaces of ultradistributions, Publ. Inst. Math. (N.S.), 92(106)(2012), 1-24.
- T. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, D. Zorica, Forced oscillations of a body attached to a viscoelastic rod of fractional derivative type. Internat. J. Engrg. Sci. 64 (2013), 54-65.
- J. Popović, S. Pilipović, T.M. Atanacković, Two compartmental fractional derivative model with fractional derivatives of different order. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 18 (2013), 2507-2514.
- S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalezos, J. Vindas, Regularity properties of distributions through sequences of functions. Monatsh. Math. 170 (2013), 227-237.
- S. Pilipović, S. Simić, Construction of Frames for Shift-Invariant Spaces, J. Funct Spaces and Appl., Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 163814, pageshttp:// 10.1155/ 2013/163814.
- T.M. Atanacković, M. Janev, S. Pilipović, D. Zorica, An expansion formula for fractional derivatives of variable order, Central European Journal of Physics, 11(2013), 1350-1360.
- S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalezos, J. Vindas, Local regularity in non-linear generalized functions, SP Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 7 (2013), 173-191.
- T.M. Atanackovic, S. Pilipovic, D. Zorica, Vibrations of a system: Viscoelastic rod of fractional type and a body attached to the rod. Apll. Math. Inform. and Mech. vol. 4, 2(2012), 27-34.
- S. Pilipovic, J. Vindas, Multidimensional Tauberian Theorems for Vector-Valued Distributions, Publ. Inst. Math. Beograd, 95(2014), 1-28.
- T.M. Atanackovic, S. Pilipovic, D. Zorica, An initial value problem arising in mechanics, Arc. Appl Mech., 84(2014), 219-233.
- T.M. Atanackovic, M. Janev, S. Konjik, S. Pilipovic, D. Zorica, Expansion formula for fractional derivatives in variational problems, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 409(2014), 911-924.
- S. Kostadinova, S. Pilipovic, K. Saneva, J. Vindas, The Ridgelet transform of distributions, Int. Tr. Spec. Funct., 25(2014), 344-358
- S. Pilipovic, B. Prangoski, On the convolution of Roumieu ultradistributions through the epsilon tensor product, Monattsh, Math., 173(2014), 83-105.
- S. Pilipovic, D. Stoeva, Frechet Frames, General Definition and Expansions, Anal. Applications, 12(2014), 195-208.
- T.M. Atanackovic, M. Janev, S. Pilipovic, D. Zorica, Convergence analysis of a numerical scheme for two classes of non-linear fractional differential equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 243(2014) 611-623.
- S. Pilipovic, D. Scarpalezos, J. Vindas, Local regularity in non-linear generalized functions, SP Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 7 (2013), 173-191.
- T.M. Atanackovic, D. Dolicanin, S. Pilipovic, B. Stankovic, Cauchy problems for some classes of linear fractional differential equations, Fract. Calc. App. Anal., 17(2014), 1039-1059.
- J.K. Popovic, D.T. Spasic, J. Tošic, J.L. Kolarovic, R. Malti, I.M. Mitic, S. Pilipovic, T.M. Atanackovic, Fractional model for pharmacokinetics of high dose methotrexate in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 22 (2015) 451–471.
- S. Pilipovic, B. Prangoski, D. Velinov, On a Solution of the Cauchy Problem in the Weighted Spaces of Beurling Ultradistributions, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, (2015), vol. 45 br. 6, str. 1937-1984.
- M. Kostic, S. Pilipovic, D. Velinov, Structural theorems for ultradistribution semigroups, Siberian Math. J., 56 (2015), 83-91.
- T.M. Atanackovic, M.B. Janev, S. Konjik, S. Pilipovic, D.M. Zorica, Vibrations of an elastic rod on a viscoelastic foundation of complex fractional Kelvin-Voigt type, Meccanica, 50 (2015), 1679-1692.
- T. Levajkovic, S. Pilipovic, D. Selesi, M.M. Zigic, Stochastic evolution equations with multiplicative noise, Electronic J. Probab., 20 (2015), 1-23.
- T. Gramchev, S. Pilipovic, L. Rodino, J. Vindas, Weyl asymptotics for tensor products of operators and Dirichlet divisors, Ann. Math. Pura Appl., 194 (2015), 823-841.
- P. Dimovski, S. Pilipovic, J. Vindas, New distribution spaces associated to translation-invariant Banach spaces, Monats Math., 177 (2015), 495-515.
- J. Toft, K. Johansson, S. Pilipovic, N.M. Teofanov, Sharp convolution and multiplication estimates in weighted spaces, Analysis Appl., 13 (2015), 457-480.
- S. Pilipovic, B. Prangoski, Anti-Wick and Weyl quantization on ultradistribution spaces, Journ. Math. Pures Appl., 103 (2015), 472-503.
- S. Maksimovic, S. Pilipovic, P. Sokoloski, J. Vindas, Wave fronts via Fourier series coefficients, Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) (N.S.) 97 (2015), 1-10.
- M. Kostić, S. Pilipovic, D. Velinov, On the exponential ultradistribution semigroups, Banach spaces. Funct. Anal. Approx. Comput. 7 (2015), 596.
- T.M. Atanackovic, M. Janev, Lj. Oparnica, S. Pilipovic, D. Zorica, Space-time fractional Zener wave equation.Proc. Royal Math Soc London, A. 471 (2014), 25 pp.
- M. Kostic, S. Pilipovic, D. Velinov, Hyperfunction semigroups, Siberian Math. J, 56 (2015), 650-661.
- P. Dimovski, S. Pilipovic, J. Vindas, Boundary values of holomorphic functions and heat kernel method in translation-invariant distribution spaces,Complex Var. Elliptic Equat., 60, (2015), 1169-1189.
- T.M. Atanackovic, M. Nedeljkov, S. Pilipovic, D. Rajter-Circ, Dynamics of a Fractional Derivative Type of a Viscoelastic Rod with Random Excitation, Frac. Cal. Appl. Anal., 18, (2015) 1232-1251.
- T.M. Atanackovic, S. Pilipovic, D. Zorica, On a System of Equations Arising in Viscoelasticity Theory of Fractional Type. Appl. Math. & Math. Physics, 1, 27-46, (2015) (Прикладная математика и математическая физика, 1, №1, 27-46 (2015) (DOI 10.18262/ammp.2015.0101-03))
- T. Levajkovic, S. Pilipovic, D. Selesi, Fundamental equations with higher order Malliavin operators, Stochastics-an Inter. J. Probab. Sstoch., (2016), 88, 106-127.
- S. Pilipovic, N. Teofanov, F. Tomic, Beyond Gevrey regularity, J. Pseudo-diff Oper Appl., (2016), 7, 113-140.
- S. Pilipovic, D.Z. Rakic, N.M. Teofanov, J. Vindas, The wavelet transforms in Gelfand-Shilov spaces, Collect. Math. , (2016), vol. 67 br. 3, str. 443-460.
- P. Dimovski, S. Pilipovic, B. Prangoski, J. Vindas, Convolution of ultradistributions and ultradistribution spaces associated to translation-invariant Banach spaces, KyotoJ. Math., (2016), 56, 401-440.
- M. Cappiello, S. Pilipovic, B. Prangoski, Semilinear pseudodifferential equations in spaces of tempered ultradistributions, J. Math. Anal. Appl., (2016), 442, 317-338.
- T.M. Atanackovic, S. Konjik, S. Pilipovic, D. Zorica, Complex order fractional derivatives in viscoelasticity, Mech. Time-Dependent Mat., (2016), 20, 175-195.
- J. Aleksic, S. Pilipovic, I. Vojnovic, H-Distributions via Sobolev Spaces , Mediterian J. Math., (2016),13, 3499-3512.
- S. Maksimovic, S. Mincheva-Kamińska, S. Pilipovic, P. Sokoloski, A Sequential Approach to Ultradistribution Spaces, Publ. Inst. Math. 100,17–48 (2016).
- S. Kostadinova, S. Pilipovic, K. Saneva, J. Vindas, The Short-Time Fourier Transform of Distributions of Exponential Type and Tauberian Theorems for Shift-Asymptotics, Filomat, 30, 3047-3061 (2016).
- M. Cappiello, T. Gramchev, S. Pilipovic, L. Rodino, Anisotripic Shubinoperators and eigenfunction expansions in Gelfand-Shilov spaces, J. Anal. Math, accepted.
- S. Jakšić, S.Pilipović, B. Prangoski, Spaces of ultradistributions of Beurling type over Rd+ through Laguerre expansions. Sarajevo J. Math. 12(25) (2016), no. 2, suppl., 385–399.
- T. Atanackovic, M. Janev, S. Pilipovic, D. Zorica, Euler-Lagrange equations for Lagrangians containing complex-order fractional derivatives, J. Optimization Th.Appl. 174 (2017), 256-275.
- V. Manova-Erakovik, S. Pilipovic, V. Reckovski, Analytic Representations of Sequences in L-p Spaces, 1 <= p < infinity, Filomat 31 (2017), 1959–1969.
- M. Kostic, S. Pilipovic, D. Velinov, C-distribution semigroups and C-ultradistribution semigroups in locally convex spaces, Siberian Math. J. 58 (2017), 58 br. 3, str. 476-492.
- S. Jaksic, S. Pilipovic, B. Prangoski, G-type spaces of ultradistributions over R-+(d) and the Weyl pseudo-differential operators with radial symbols, Rev. Real Acad, Ciencias Exact. Fís. Natur. Ser A. Matem, 111 (2017), 613-640.
- S. Jaksic, S. Pilipovic, B. Prangoski, Relations between Hermite and Laguerre expansions of ultradistributions over R-d and R-+(d), J. Pseudo-diff Op Appl. 8 (2017), 275-296.
- T. Atanackovic, M. Janev, S. Konjik, S. Pilipovic, Wave equation for generalized Zener model containing complex order fractional derivatives, Cont Mech. Thermodin. 29 (2017), 569-580.
- D. Velinov, M. Kostic, S. Pilipovic, Degenerate C-Distribution cosine functions and degenerate C-ultradistribution cosine functions in locally convex spaces, Filomat, 31 (2017), 3075-3089.
- S. Atanasova, S. Pilipovic, K. Saneva, Directional , Time frequential analysis, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2017).
- S. Pilipovic, B. Prangoski, J. Vindas, Spectral asymptotics for infinite order pseudo-differential operators, Bull. Math Sci, (2018), 8, 81-120.
- T. Atanackovic, S. Pilipovic, On a constitutive equation of heat conduction with fractional derivatives of complex order Acta Mech, (2018), 229, 1111-1121.
- C. C. Chen, M. Kostić, S. Pilipović, D. Velinov, D-hypercyclic and D-chaotic properties of abstract differential equations of first order. Electron. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 6 (2018), 1–26.
- P. Dimovski, S. Pilipovic, B. Prangoski, J. Vindas, Translation-modulation invariant Banach spaces of ultra distributions" J Fourier Anal. Appl. (2018).
- T. Atanackovic, S. Pilipovic, D. Zorica, Properties of the Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative and its distributional settings, Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal, (2018), 21, 29-44.
- T.M. Atanackovic, M. Janev, S. Pilipovic, Non-linear boundary value problems involving Caputo derivatives of complex fractional order, Appl. Math. Comp., (2018), 334, 326-342.
- B. Krivokapic, Z. Blagojevic, D. Selesi, T. Atanackovic, S. Pilipovic, A method for prediction of femoral component of hip prosthesis durability due to aseptic loosening by using coffin/Manson fatigue model, Biom. Res.Inter.,(2018).
- J. Aleksic, S. Pilipovic, I. Vojnovic, Defect distributions related to weakly convergent sequences in Bessel-type spaces H, Medit. J. Math., (2018), 15, 3.
- S. Jaksic, S. Maksimovic, S. Pilipovic, An algebraic approach to tempered ultradistributions, J. Math. Anal. Appl., (2018), 466, 1, 927-935.
- S. Gordic, M. Oberguggenberger, S. Pilipovic, D. Selesi, Probabilistic properties of generalized stochastic processes in algebras of generalized functions, Monat. Math., (2018), 186, 4, 609-633.
- S. Pilipovic, B. Prangoski, J. Vindas, On quasianalytic classes of Gelfand-Shilov type. Parametrix and convolution, J. Math. Pures et Appliq., (2018), 116, 174-210.
- J. Aleksic, S. Pilipovic, I. Vojnovic, H-distributions with unbounded multipliers, J. Pseudo- Differ. Operat. Appl., (2018), 9, 3, 615-641.
- Т. Levajković, S. Pilipović, D. Seleši, and M. Žigić, Stochastic evolution equations with Wick-polynomial nonlinearities, Electron J. Probab. 23 (2018), 116, 25 pp.
- S. Gordic, M. Oberguggenberger, S. Pilipovic, D. Selesi, Generalized stochastic processes in algebras of generalized functions: independence, stationarity and SPDEs, J. Math. Anal. Appl, 2018.
- S. Pilipović, B. Prangoski, Complex powers for a class of infinite order hypoelliptic operators. Dissertationes Math. 529 (2018), 58 pp.
- S. Pilipovic, N. Teofanov, F. Tomic, Beyond Gevrey Regularity: Superposition and propagation of Singularities, Filomat 32 (2018), 2763-2782.
- T.M. Atanackovic, M.B. Janev, S. Konjik, S. Pilipovic, Complex Fractional Zener Model of Wave Propagation in R, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, (2018), vol. 21 br. 5, str. 1313-1334 .
- T.M. Atanackovic, M. Janev, S. Pilipovic, Wave equation in fractional Zener-type viscoelastic media involving Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivatives, Meccanica, (2019), vol. 54 br. 1-2, str. 155-167 .
- S. Pilipovic, B. Prangoski, On the Characterizations of Wave Front Sets in Terms of the Short-Time Fourier Transform, Mathematical Notes, (2019), vol. 105 br. 1-2, str. 153-157.
- S. Pilipovic, J. Vindas, Tauberian class estimates for vector-valued distributions, Sbornik Mathematics, (2019), vol. 210 br. 2, str. 272-296.
- S. Gordic, M. Oberguggenberger, S. Pilipovic, D. Selesi, Generalized stochastic processes in algebras of generalized functions: Independence, stationarity and SPDEs, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, (2019), vol. 475 br. 2, str. 1196-1214.
- M. Kostic, S. Pilipovic, D. Velinov, Quasi-equicontinous exponential families of generalized function C-semigroups in locally convex spaces, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas y Naturales Serie A-Mathematicas, (2019), vol. 113 br. 2, str. 453-469.
- P. Dimovski, S. Pilipovic, B. Prangoski, J. Vindas, Translation-Modulation Invariant Banach Spaces of Ultradistributions, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, (2019), vol. 25 br. 3, str. 819-841.
- R. D. Carmichael, S. Pilipovic, J. Vindas, Vector valued Hardy spaces related to analytic functions having distributional boundary values, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, (2019), vol. 64 br. 10, str. 1634-1654.
- S. Atanasova, S. Pilipovic, K. Saneva, Directional Time-Frequency Analysis and Directional Regularity, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, (2019), vol. 42 br. 5, str. 2075-2090.
- S. Pilipović, J. Toft, Wave-front sets related to quasi-analytic Gevrey sequences. Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) (N.S.) 105(119) (2019), 1–16.
- J. Aleksić, S Pilipovic, Two scale defect measure and linear equations with oscillating coefficients. Filomat, 33 (9), (2019), p.2867-2873.
- T.M. Atanackovic, S. Konjik, S. Pilipovic, Variational problems of Herglotz type with complex order fractional derivatives and less regular Lagrangian. Acta Mechanica, 230 (12), (2019), pp. 4357-4365.
- M. Cappiello, T. Gramchev, S. Pilipovic, Anisotropic Shubin operators and eigenfunction expansions in Gelfand-Shilov spaces. Journal d'Analyse Mathematique, 138 (2), (2019), pp. 857-870.
- S. Pilipovic, B. Prangoski, M. Žigić, Invertibility of matrix type operators of infinite order with exponential off-diagonal decay. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 582, (2019), pp. 346-358.
- S. Pilipović, I. Vojnović, Defect distributions applied to differential equations with power function type coefficients. J Pseudo-Differ Oper Appl 2020;11(3):1231-1248.
- S. Atanasova, S. Pilipović, B. Prangoski, K. Saneva, Characterisation of wave front sets by the Stockwell transform. J Math Anal Appl 2020;490(2), 18 pp.
- B. Chaouchi, M. Kostić, S. Pilipović, D. Velinov, f-Frequently hypercyclic C -semigroups on complex sectors. Banach J Math Anal 2020;14(3):1080-1110.
- S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, F. Tomić, A Paley–Wiener theorem in extended Gevrey regularity. J Pseudo-Differ Oper Appl 2020;11(2):593-612.
- S. Pilipović, D. Rakić, N. Teofanov, J. Vindas, Multiresolution expansions and wavelets in Gelfand–Shilov spaces. Revista Real Academia Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas 2020;114(2) Paper No. 66, 15 pp.
- T. Atanacković, M. Janev, S. Pilipović, On the thermodynamical restrictions in isothermal deformations of fractional Burgers model: Thermodynamical restrictions, Burgers model, Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. (2020) A 378 20190278, 13 pages.
- T. Atanacković, M. Janev, S. Pilipović, D. Seleši, Viscoelasticity of fractional order: New restrictions on constitutive equations with applications. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 20(2020) no. 13, 2041011, 20 pp.
- B. Uchi, M. Kostić, S. Pilipović, D. Velinov, Semi-bloch periodic functions, semi-anti-periodic functions and applications. Chelyabinsk Physical and Mathematical Journal, (2020)5, pp. 243-255.
- S. Pilipović, B. Prangoski, Equvalence of Elipticity and the Fredholm Property in the Weyl-H\"ormandserCalculus, J Inst. Math. Jussieu (2020), pp. 1– 27 , (DOI:10.1017/S1474748020000584)
- T.M. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, D. Seleši, (2020) Wave propagation dynamics in a fractional Zener model with stochastic excitation. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, (2020),23(6)pp.1570-1604; DOI: 10.1515/fca-2020-0079
- S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, F. Tomić, Boundary values in ultradistribution spaces related to extended gevrey regularity. Mathematics, 2021, 9(1), pp. 1–14, 7.
- M. Kostić, S. Pilipović, D. Velinov, D., V.E. Fedorov, c-almost periodic type distributions. Chelyabinsk Physical and Mathematical Journal, 2021, 6(2), pp. 190–207.
- M. Janev, T.M. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, Noether's theorem for Herglotz type variational problems utilizing complex fractional derivatives. Theoretical and Applied Mechanicsthis, 2021, 48(2), pp. 127–142.
- T.M. Atanacković, M. Janev, S. Pilipović, Noether’s theorem for variational problems of Herglotz type with real and complex order fractional derivatives. Acta Mechanicathis, 2021, 232(3), pp. 1131–1146.
- S. Pilipović, B. Prangoski, Đ. Vučković, Convolution with the Kernel es⟨x⟩q,q≥1,s>0 Within Ultradistribution Spaces. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematicsthis, 18 (2021), no. 4, Paper No. 164, 14 pp.
- S. Pilipović, D.T Stoeva, Localization of Fréchet Frames and Expansion of Generalized Functions. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Societythis, 2021, 44(5), pp. 2919–2941.
- S. Atanasova, S. Maksimović, S. Pilipović, Directional Short-Time Fourier Transform of Ultradistributions. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Societythis, 2021, 44(5), pp. 3069–3087.
- S. Pilipović, B. Prangoski, J. Vindas, Infinite order Ψ DOs: composition with entire functions, new Shubin-Sobolev spaces, and index theorem. Analysis and Mathematical Physicsthis, 2021, 11(3), 109, 48 pp.
- S. Coriasco, S. Pilipović, D. Seleši, Solutions of Hyperbolic Stochastic PDEs on Bounded and Unbounded Domains. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applicationsthis, 27 (2021), no. 5, Paper No. 77, 42 pp.
- R.D. Carmichael, S. Pilipović, J. Vindas, Boundary values, integral transforms, and growth of vector valued Hardy functions. Bull. Cl. Sci. Math. Nat. Sci. Math.(2021), no.46, 115–129.
- S. Atanasova, S. Maksimović, S. Pilipović, Characterization of wave fronts of ultradistributions using directional short-time fourier transform. Axioms, 2021, 10(4), 240
- H.G. Feichtinger, S. Pilipović, B. Prangoski, Modulation spaces associated with tensor products of amalgam spaces. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicatathis, 2022, vol. 201 br. 1, str. 127-155.
- S. Pilipović, B. Prangoski, Equivalence of ellipticity and the Fredholm property in the Weyl-Hörmander calculus. J. Inst. Math. Jussieu (2022), vol. 21 br. 4, str. 1363-1389.
- S. Pilipović, B. Prangoski, Dj. Vučković, Extension of localisation operators to ultradistributional symbols with super-exponential growth. Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 116 (2022), no. 4, Paper No. 172, 16 pp.
- T. Atanackovic, M. Janev, S. Pilipović, Restrictions on parameters in distributed order fractional linear constitutive equations. Appl. Math. Model. 110 (2022), str. 99–111.
- T. Atanackovic, S. Pilipovic, Zener Model with General Fractional Calculus: Thermodynamical Restrictions Fractal and Fractional (2022), vol. 6 br. 10, 617.
- R. D. Carmichael, S. Pilipović, J. Vindas, Note on Vector Valued Hardy Spaces Related to Analytic Functions Having Distributional Boundary Values (2022) Trends in Mathematics, pp. 357-362.
- S. Pilipović, Local and microlocal analysis in the space of Colombeau generalized functions (2022) Nonlinear Theory of Generalized Functions, pp. 187-195.
- F. Bartolucci, S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, Continuity properties of the shearlet transform and the shearlet synthesis operator on the Lizorkin type spaces (2022) Mathematische Nachrichten, vol. 295 br. 12, str. 2318-2337.
- S. Pilipović, B. Prangoski, Characterisation of the Weyl-Hörmander classes by time-frequency shifts. Advances in Mathematics, 410 (2022), part B, Paper No. 108742, 57 pp.
- T. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, D. Seleši, Stochastic Zener model with complex order fractional derivatives (2023) Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 28 (2), pp. 413-445.
- S. Jakšić, S. Pilipović, B. Prangoski, Global regularity of Weyl pseudo-differential operators with radial symbols in each phase-space variable (2023) Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, 14 (2023), no. 1, Paper No. 10, 17 pp.
- T. M. Atanacković, M. Janev, S. Pilipović, Restrictions in a distributed complex fractional order linear constitutive equations of viscoelasticity. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Volume 456, 15 December 2023, 133917.
- S. Jakšić, S. Pilipović, ΨDOs with radial symbols and spaces of type G. Filomat 37(2023), no.26, 8755–8763.
- S. Pilipović D. Scarpalézos, J. Vindas, Besov regularity in non-linear generalized functions (2023) Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 201 (2), pp. 483-498.
- S. Pilipović, Đ. S.Vučković, Ultradistributions on R+n and solvability and hypoellipticity through series expansions of ultradistributions. Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, (2024), vol. 15 br. 3, Paper No. 64. str. -
- M. Kostić, S. Pilipović, M. B. Zigić, Generalized exponentially bounded integrated semigroups. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, (2024), vol. 538 br. 1, str. -
- T. Levajković, S. Pilipović, D. Seleši, M. B. Zigić, Stochastic evolution equations with Wick-analytic nonlinearities. Stochastics-an International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, (2024), vol. br. , str. -
- A. Aksentijević, S. Aleksić, S. Pilipović, The Structure of Shift-Invariant Subspaces of Sobolev Spaces. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, (2024), vol. 218 br. 2, str. 177-191.
- S. Atanasova, S. Maksimović, S.Pilipović, Abelian and Tauberian results for the fractional Fourier and short-time Fourier transforms of distributions. Integral Transforms and Special Functions, (2024), vol. 35 br. 1, str. 1-16.
- S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, F. Tomić, Almost diagonalization of ΨDO's over various generalized function spaces. Sarajevo J. Math. 20(33) (2024), no. 1, 103–119.

3. Contributions to special volumes and international conference proceedings
- S. Pilipović, A. Takači, The space H`{Mp} and the convolutors, Proc. of the International Conference on Generalized Functions and Applications in Mathematical Physics 1980, Moscow, (1981), 415-426.
- S. Pilipović, Spaces of rapidly increasing generalized functions, Proc. of the International Conference on Generalized Functions and Convergence Structures, Katowice, (1983), 117-122.
- S. Pilipović, On the spaces D'Lpp(Mp), Generalized Funct. Convergence Str. Their Appl., (editors Stanković, B., Pap, E., Pilipović, S., Vladimirov, V.S.), Plenum Press, New York, (1988), 285-295.
- S. Pilipović, On the behaviour of distributions at infinity, generalized functions and convergence, Memorial Volume for prof. J.Mikusinski, (Editors Antosik, P., Kaminski, A.), World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, NJ, Hong Kong, (1990), 205-211.
- D. Kovačević, S. Pilipović, Structural properties of the spaces of tempered ultradistributions, Proc. of the Conference Complex Analysis and Applications '91 with Symposium on Generalized Functions, Varna, (1991), 169-184.
- R. Carmichael, R.S. Pathak, S. Pilipović, Ultradistibutional boundary values of holomorphic functions, Varanasi 1991, (Editor Pathak, R.S.), Plenum , New York, (1993), 11-28.
- S. Pilipović, Multipliers, convolutors and hypoelliptic convolutors for tempered ultradistributions, Generalized functions and their applications, (Editor Pathak, R.S.), Plenum Publ., (1993), 183-195
- S. Pilipović, Generalized asymptotics, Proc. IWAA- 1995., (Editor Kočinac, Lj.), Mathematica Moravica, Spec. Vol., (1997), 169-182.
- S. Pilipović, Boundary values of holomorphic functions in the sense of ultradistributions and the microlocal analysis via Poisson's kernel, Proc. Conf. Memor. D. S. Mitrinović, (Editor Milovanović, G.) Spec. Vol., Facta Universatis, 12(1997) 239-256.
- S. Pilipović, Local and microlocal analysis in the space of Colombeau generalized functions, Nonlinear Theory of Generalized Functions, (Editors Grosser, M., Hörmann, G., Kunzinger, M., Oberguggenberger, M.), Chapman & Hall/CRC, (1998), 187-200.
- A. Eida, S. Pilipović, On some classes of Fourier hyperfunctions, Proc. Sec. Congress ISAAC Fukuka, Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1(1999), 761-769.
- S. Pilipović, M. Stojanović, Quasiasymptotics and nonlinear problems in a framework of G, Analysis of Divergence Control and Managment of Divergent Processes, Birkhäuser, (1999), 545-567.
- B. Tošić, Lj. Mašković, R. Maksimović, S. Pilipović, Generalization of a Green function in the framework of Colombeau algebra, Mathematical results in statistical mechanics, Marseilles, World Scientific Publishing, River Edge, NJ, (1999), 369-376.
- S. Pilipović, Some aspects of local and microlocal analysis, Contemporary Math. Jub. Bg. Univ., Mat. Fac. Belgrade., (2000), 163-180.
- B. Tošić, Lj. Mašković, R. Maksimović, S. Pilipović, Applications of GGF method in analysis of ferromagnets, Fourth Int. Conf., Thin Film Physics and Appl., Proc. series SPIE, 4086(1999), 637-640.
- M. Milošević, M. Blagojević, B. Tošić, S. Pilipović, The behaviour of muscles in external instanteneous force field, ISB 2000, (Editors Hong, Y., John, D.P.), The Chinese University og Hong Kong, 1(2000), 179-183.
- M. Milošević, M. Blagojević, B. Tošić, S. Pilipović, The muscle contraction and force production, ISB 2000, (Editors Hong, Y., John, D.P.), The Chinese University og Hong Kong, 1(2000), 183-186.
- R.D. Carmichael, S. Pilipović, Generalizations of Hr functions and applications, Proc. Conf. Generalized Functions, Varanasi, World Scientific Publiching, River Edge, NJ, (2001), 203-215.
- A. Kaminski , D. Perišić, S. Pilipović, On supports and convolution of ultradistributions, Proc. Appl. math. Eng. Econom., Sozopol, Heron Press, Sofia, (2001), 27-31.
- R. Carmichael, S. Pilipović, Analytic functions and boundary values, Nonlinear Algebraic Analisis, Proc. ICGF, (Editors Delcroix, A., Hasler, M., Marti, J.A., Valmorin, V.), Cambridge Sci. Publ. Ltd, (2004), 33-40.
- Z. Crvenković, D. Perišić, S. Pilipović, Colombeau generalized processess of second odrer, Nonlinear Algebraic Analisis, Proc. ICGF, (Editors Delcroix, A., Hasler, M., Marti, J.A., Valmorin, V.), Cambridge Sci. Publ. Ltd, (2004), 149-162.
- S. Pilipović, M. Stojanović, Volterra type integral equations with singularities, Nonlinear Algebraic Analisis, Proc. ICGF, (Editors Delcroix, A., Hasler, M., Marti, J.A., Valmorin, V.), Cambridge Sci. Publ. Ltd, (2004), 253-268.
- V. Kiryakova, S. Pilipović, On the occasion of Academican Bogoljub Stankovic's 80th anniversary, Fraet. calc. Appl. Anal., 8(1)(2005), 1-5.
- R.D. Caramichael, A. Eida, S. Pilipović, Microlocalization within some classes of Fourier hyperfunctions, Pseudo-Differential Operators and Related Topics, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., Modern trends in pseudo-differential operators, Birkhäuser, Basel, 172(2006), 329-342.
- T. Gramchev, S. Pilipović, L. Rodino, Classes of degenerate elliptic operators in Gelfand-Shilov spaces, New Developments in Pseudo-Differential Operators, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., Birkhäuser, Basel, 189(2008), 15-31.
- S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, J. Toft, Some applications of wave front sets of Fourier Lebesgue types, I Mathematical Modeling of wawe phenomena, API conference Proc. Sweden, 1106(2009), 26-35.
- S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, J. Toft, Singular support and FLq contunuity of pseudo-differential operators, Springer, (2010)
- T. Gramchev, S. Pilipović, L. Rodino, Global regularity and stability in S-spaces for classes of degenerate Shubin operators, Oper. Theory. Adv. Appl., Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, (2009)
- T. Gramchev, S. Pilipović, L. Rodino, Global regularity and stability in S-spaces for classes of degenerate Shubin operators. Pseudo-differential operators: complex analysis and partial differential equations, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 205(2010), 81–90.
- A. Kamiński, M. Oberguggenberger, S. Pilipović, Linear and non-linear theory of generalized functions and its applications. Proc. of the GF conference, Bodlewo, Banach Center Publications, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, Warsaw, (2010)
- T.M. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, D. Zorica, Stress relaxation in a viscoelastic rod described by a constitutive equation of distributed-order type, FDA'10, Badajoz, Spain, (2010)
- T.M. Atanacković, S. Pilipović, S. Konjik, Lj. Oparnica, S. Simić, Recent progress in the calculus of variations with fractional derivatives, FDA'10, Badajoz, Spain, (2010)
- M. Grosser, M. Kunzinger, S. Pilipović, R. Steinbauer, Preface [International Conference on Generalized Functions GF2009 — Topics in Partial Differential Equations, Harmonic Analysis, and Geometry]. Held in Vienna, August 31 – September 4, 2009, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct., 22 (2011), 4-5.
- S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, J. Toft, Singular support and FLq continuity of pseudodifferential operators, Approximation and computation, Springer Optim. Appl., 42, Springer, New York, 2011, 365-383.
- U. Battisti, T. Gramchev, S. Pilipović, L. Rodino, Globally bisingular elliptic operators, The Vladimir Rabinovich Anniversary Volume of the Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, (2011)
- T.M. Atanacković, S. Konjik, S. Pilipović, Fractionalization of constitutive equations in viscoelasticity, In W. Chen, H.G. Sun, D. Baleanu (Eds), Proceedings of FDA'12. The 5th Symposium of Fractional Differentiation and its Applications. Nanjing, China (14-17 May 2012), FDA 12-129, 6 pages, 2012.
- S. Pilipović, D. Scarpalezos, J. Vindas, Classes of generalized functions with finite type regularities. Pseudo-differential operators, generalized functions and asymptotics, 30722, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., 231, Birkhauser/Springer Basel AG, Basel, 2013.
- K. Johansson, S. Pilipović, T. Teofanov, J. Toft, A note on wave-front sets of Roumieu type ultradistributions. Pseudo-differential operators, generalized functions and asymptotics, 239-252, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., 231, Birkhauser/Springer Basel AG, Basel, 2013.
- U. Battisti, T. Gramchev, L. Rodino, S. Pilipović, Globally bisingular elliptic operators. Operator theory, pseudo-differential equations, and mathematical physics, 218, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., 228, Birkhauser/Springer Basel AG, Basel, 2013.
- T. Gramchev, A. Lecke, S. Pilipovic, L. Rodino, Gelfand-Shilov Type Spaces Through Hermite Expansions, Pseudo-differential Operators and Generalized functions, Birkhauser, 245 (2015), 95-106.
- S. Konstadinova, S. Pilipovic, K. Saneva, J. Vindas, The Riglet Transform and Quasiasymptotic of Tempered Distributions, Pseudo-differential Operators and Generalized functions, Birkhauser, 245 (2015), 185-198.
- S. Pilipovic, D. Stoeva, Frame expansions of test functions, tempered distributions, and ultradistributions, Proceedings of the International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation (ISAAC), 2018.
- T.M. Atanacković, S. Konjik, S. Pilipović, Variational principles with fractional derivatives of real and complex order, Handbook of Fractional Calculus with Applications, De Gryter. (2019), Vol. 1, 361-383.
- T.M. Atanacković, S. Konjik, S. Pilipović, Wave equation involving fractional derivatives of real and complex fractional order, Handbook of Fractional Calculus with Applications, De Gryter. (2019), Vol. 2, 327-351.
- S. Pilipovic, B. Prangoski, Infinite Order Pseudo-Differential Operators. Landscapes of Time-Frequency Analysis, pp. 249-276, Appl. Numer Harmon. Anal., Birkhauser/ Springer, Cham., 2019.
- F. Bartolucci, S. Pilipović, N. Teofanov, The Shearlet Transform and Lizorkin Spaces, in: Landscapes of Time-Frequency Analysis ATFA 2019 , Birkha?user,Cham,2020, (Boggiatto P. et al. eds.), pp. 43–62,
- S. Pilipović, B. Prangoski Convolution and Anti-Wick Quantisation on Ultradistribution Spaces. In: BOGGIATTO, P.(ed.) Advances in Microlocal and Time-Frequency Analysis. Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis: Birkhauser, Cham,(2020) pp. 403-418