Dr. Nataša Krklec Jerinkić


Personal Data


·        Mother tongue: Serbian.

·        Foreign languages: English.


B.S., Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2003-2007.

Ph.D., Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2014.


Full Professor, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 2024-

Associate Professor, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 2019-2024

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 2014-2019

Assistant, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 2013-2014.

Research Associate, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 2011-2013.


  1. N. Krklec Jerinkić, V. Ruggiero, I. Trombini, Spectral Stochastic Gradient Method with Additional Sampling for Finite and Infinite Sums, (2023) technical report
  2. N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, A. Martinez, M. Yousefi, A non-monotone extra-gradient trust-region method with noisy oracles, Computational Optimization and Applications, (2024) to appear
  3. S. Bellavia, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, M. Raydan, SLiSeS: Subsampled Line Search Spectral Gradient Method for Finite Sums, (2023) technical report
  4. N. Krklec Jerinkić, T. Ostojić, AN-SPS: Adaptive Sample Size Nonmonotone Line Search Spectral Projected Subgradient Method for Convex Constrained Optimization Problems, Optimization Methods and Software, (2024), DOI:10.1080/10556788.2024.2324920 to appear
  5. N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, T. Ostojić, Spectral Projected Subgradient Method for Nonsmooth Convex Optimization Problems, Numerical Algorithms, (2022) to appear
  6. D. Jakovetić, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, A Hessian inversion-free exact second order method for distributed consensus optimization, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, vol. 8, pp. 755-770, (2022) download
  7. N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, T. Ostojić, An inexact restoration-nonsmooth algorithm with variable accuracy for stochastic nonsmooth convex optimization problems in machine learning and stochastic linear complementarity problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, (2022) to appear
  8. D. Jakovetić, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, EFIX: Exact Fixed Point Methods for Distributed Optimization, Journal of Global Optimization,(2022) download
  9. D. Di Serafino, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, M. Viola, LSOS: Line Search Second Order Stochastic Optimization Methods for Nonconvex Finite Sums, Mathematics of Computation, (2022) to appear
  10. D. Jakovetić, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, G. Malaspina, A. Micheletti, Distributed Fixed Point Method for Solving Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations, Automatica, 134 (2021) download
  11. L. Fodor, D. Jakovetić, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, S. Skrbić, Performance evaluation and analysis of distributed multi-agent optimization algorithms with sparsified communication, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, (2021) download
  12. D. Jakovetić, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, Exact spectral-like gradient method for distributed optimization, Computational Optimization and Application 74,3 (2019), pp. 703-728 download
  13. N. Krklec Jerinkić, A. Rožnjik, Penalty variable sample size method for solving optimization problems with equality constraints in a form of mathematical expectation, Numerical Algorithms, 83, pp. 701-718 (2020), download
  14. S. Bellavia, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, Subsampled Inexact Newton methods for minimizing large sums of convex functions, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 40,4 (2020), pp. 2309-2341. download
  15. D. Bajović, D. Jakovetić, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, Distributed second order methods with increasing number of working nodes, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65, 2 (2020), 846-853. technical report, download
  16. N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, A. Rožnjik, Variable sample size method for equality constrained optimization problems,Optimization Letters, Vol. 12(3), (2018), pp. 485-497, download. 
  17. D. Bajović, D. Jakovetić, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, Newton-like method with diagonal correction for distributed optimization, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 27(2), (2017), pp. 1171-1203. download. 
  18. N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, Spectral projected gradient method for stochastic optimization, Journal of Global Optimization 73,1 (2019), pp. 59-81. download. 
  19. D. Jakovetić, D. Bajović, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, Distributed gradient methods with variable number of working nodes, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 64(15),  (2016), pp. 4080-4095. download. 
  20. N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, S. Rapajić, Barzilai-Borwein method with variable sample size for stochastic linear complementarity problems, Optimization, Vol. 65, (2016), pp. 479-499. download. 
  21. N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, Nonmonotone line search methods with variable sample size, Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 68(4), (2015), pp. 711-739. download. 
  22. N. Krejić, N. Krklec, Line search methods with variable sample size for unconstrained optimization, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 245 (2013), pp. 213-231. download. 
  23. J. Atanasijević, D. Jakovetić, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, D. Marković, Using Big Data Analytics to Improve Efiiciency of Tax Collection in the Tax Administration of the Republic of Serbia, Ekonomika preduzeća, (2019), pp. 115-130. download
  24. A. Armacki, D. Jakovetić, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, Distributed Trust-Region Method with the First Order Models , technical report
  25. S. Bellavia, N. Krklec Jerinkić, G. Malaspina, Subsampled Nonmonotone Spectral Gradient methods, Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 11,1, (2020), pp. 19-34. download
  26. R. Ji, A. Micheletti, N. Krklec Jerinkić, Z. Desnica, Emotion pattern detection on facial videos using functional statistics, Book of short papers - SIS 2021, C. Perna, N. Salvati, F. Schirripa Spagnolo Editors, Pearson, ISBN 9788891927361, (2021), pp. 789-794. download
  27. D. Bajović, D. Jakovetić, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić,  Distributed first and second order methods with increasing number of working nodes, GlobalSIP 2016, download
  28. N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, Stochastic gradient methods for unconstrained optimization, Pesquisa Operacional, Vol. 34(3), (2014), pp. 373-395. download. 
  29. D. Bajović, D. Jakovetić, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, Parallel stochastic line search methods with feedback for minimizing finite sums, technical report. 
  30. N. Krklec Jerinkić, Line search methods with variable sample size, PhD thesis, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 2014. Advisor: Professor Dr. Nataša Krejić. download. 

Project participations

  1. Large scale and distributed optimization (LASCADO), Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, 2023-.
  2. Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Mathematical Models, Serbian Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection, grant 144016, 2008-2010.
  3. Numerical Methods, Simulations and Applications, Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, grant 174030, 2011-2019.
  4. Variation Calculus, Optimization and Applications, Croatia-Serbia Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2016-2017.
  5. Real-time measurements and forecasting for successful prevention and management of seasonal allergies in Croatia-Serbia cross-border region (RealForAll), Interreg - IPA CBC, Croatia - Serbia, 2017-2020.
  6. Industrial-Driven Big Data as a Self-Service Solution (I-BiDaaS), Horizon 2020, 2017-2020.
  7. Izrada inovativnih algoritama za unapredjenje efikasnosti poreske uprave uz pomoć masovnih podataka (big data) o pojedinacnim poreskim prijavama, 2018-2020.
  8. Big Data Challenges for Mathematics (BIGMATH), Horizon 2020, 2018-2022.
  9. Cyber security 4.0: protecting the Industrial Internet Of Things, EU Horizon 2020, 2019-2022.
  10. Certifying the Security and Resilience of Supply Chain Services (CYRENE), Horizon 2020, 2020-2023.
  11. Artificial intelligence Supporting CAncer Patients across Europe (ASCAPE), Horizon 2020, 2019-2022.
  12. Big data methods for solving partial differential equations, Province of Vojvodina, 2021-2024.
  13. A COmprehensive cyber-intelligence framework for resilient coLLABorative manufacturing Systems (COLLABS), Horizon 2020, 2019-2022.
  14. Second Order Methods for Optimization Methods in Machine Learning, Italia-Serbia Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2019-2022. link


  1. A. Friedlander, N. Krejić, N. Krklec Jerinkić, Lectures on Fundamentals of Numerical Optimization, 2019. download. 

Teaching experience

Courses at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad: Introduction to Machine Learning, Numerical Methods and Optimization, Numerical Methods for PDE, Fundamentals of Numerical Optimization, Time series, Modeling seminar, Numerical analysis 1, Numerical analysis 2, Probability theory, Partial differential equations, Financial mathematics 1, Software practicum.

Courses at the University Center for Applied Statistics, University of Novi Sad: Financial models.

Tutorials of Actuarial mathematics at the National Bank of Serbia.

Tutorial at DAAD-Project intensive course “Nonsmooth optimization and piecewise linearization”.

MSc Students

  1. Hunor Tot-Bagi, Inexact Restoration Method for Solving Hinge Loss Problems, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 2022. download. 
  2. Milena Vajagić, “ Parameter estimation in Autoregressive Models - Stochastic Gradient vs Incremental Gradient“, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 2020. download. 
  3. Dejan Vucenović, “ Application of distributed optimization methods in autoregressive models ”, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 2020. download. 
  4. Jelena Samardžija, “ Optimization methods for long-term prediction of pollen concentration of major allergens in Vojvodina ”, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 2019. download. 
  5. Enika Juhas, “ Some applications of autoregressive models ”, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 2019. download. 
  6. Tijana Trninić, “ Predictions and correlations of FTSE 100 stock market index ”, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 2018. download. 
  7. Jovana Zivković, “ Modeling Euro - British Pound excange rate ”, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 2017. download. 
  8. Dragana Vasiljević, “The movement of the relevant European stock market indices”, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 2016. download. 
  9. Mladen Ratković, “Bayes theory and the influence of Euro exchange rate on index Belex 15”, University Center for Applied Statistics, University of Novi Sad, 2015. download. 

Ph.D. Students

  1. Andrea Roznjik, “ Optimization of problems with stochastic equality constraints - penalty variable sample size metods ”, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 2019. download. 
  2. (Co-supervisor of) Rongjiao Ji, "Functional statistical learning methods applied to human emotion recognition from facial videos", University of Milan, 2023. Supervisor: Alessandra Micheletti, Industrial Co-supervisor: Zoranka Desnica download.