Igor Dolinka
Full Professor
Department of Mathematics and Informatics
Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad
Trg Dositeja Obradovića 4, 21101 Novi Sad, Serbia
E-mail: dockie AT dmi.uns.ac.rs
lecture for the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
algoritmi, jezici i oblici: jedan vek beskrajne igre rečima.
[(Semi)groups, algorithms, languages and shapes: one
century of infinite wordplay (in Serbian).]
Novi Sad Branch of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
16 March 2022.
of Mathematics, Physics and Geosciences, Serbian Academy of
Sciences and Arts, 25 March 2022.
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conference talks
Prefix monoids of
groups and right units of special inverse monoids.
36th NBSAN Meeting, a satellite event to the 75th
British Mathematical Colloquium,
Manchester, UK, June 2024.
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One-relator groups,
monoids, inverse monoids: An update on the word problem.
Classical and
Constructive Semigroups and Applications (ACaCS 2021), Ni,
Serbia, September 2021.
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The prefix membership problem for one-relator groups, and its semigroup-theoretical cousins.
eNBSAN Online Meeting 2020, June-July 2020 (hosted from
Manchester and York, UK).
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The word problem for
free idempotent generated semigroups: An Italian symphony in
IG(E) major.
and Groups, Automata, Logics (SandGAL 2019), Cremona,
Italy, June 2019.
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Solving the word problem of the O'Hare monoid
far, far away from sweet home Chicago.
One-Relator Workshop - WOW 2018, Norwich, UK, January
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Universal locally
finite maximally homogeneous semigroups.
27th NBSAN Meeting (honouring the 70th birthday of László
Márki), York, UK, January 2018.
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Representing groups by endomorphisms of
the random graph.
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semigroups and groups by endomorphisms of Fraďssé
limits (Parts I & II).
Permutation Groups and Transformation Semigroups, LMS -
EPSRC Symposium, Durham, UK, July 2015.
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Variants of semigroups - the case study
of finite full transformation monoids.
19th NBSAN Meeting, York, UK, January 2015.
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Free idempotent
generated semigroups: maximal subgroups and the word
17th NBSAN Meeting, Norwich, UK, April 2014.
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Free idempotent
generated semigroups and their maximal subgroups.
General Algebra and
Its Applications - GAIA 2013 (honouring the 65th
birthday of Brian Davey),
Melbourne, Australia, July 2013.
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Finite groups
are big as semigroups.
13th NBSAN Meeting, York, UK, November 2012.
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Facets of the
finite basis problem for finite involution semigroups.
The 80th Workshop
on General Algebra - AAA80, Będlewo, Poland,
June 2010.
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Term operations of
finite semigroups.
Conference "Filomat 2001", Ni, Serbia, August
seminar talks
Recent developments in
combinatorial inverse semigroup theory.
Mathematics Colloquium, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia,
November 2024.
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The word problem for
free idempotent-generated semigroups: and overview and
elaboration for Tn.
Mathematics Colloquium & Mathematical
Logic Seminar (joint session), Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy
of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, June 2022.
and Combinatorics Seminar, School of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK, June 2022.
Theory Seminar, School of Mathematics, University of Manchester, UK, May 2022.
Semigroup Seminar, University of York, UK, May 2022.
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The word problem for
one-relator inverse monoids: new developments.
Algebra Seminar,
Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged, Hungary,
December 2019.
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Free idempotent
generated semigroups: maximal subgroups and the word
Mathematics Colloquium, Mathematical
Institute of the Serbian Academy
of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, December 2016.
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Representing groups by endomorphisms of
the random graph.
Pure Mathematics Research Seminar, School of Mathematics,
University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, June 2016.
homomorphism-homogeneous permutations via edge colourings
of chains.
Pure Mathematics
Colloquia, School of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK,
April 2014.
Logic Seminar, Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy
of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, April 2012.
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The finite
basis problem for unary matrix semigroups.
York Semigroup
Seminar, University of York, UK, February 2014.
Algebra Seminar,
School of Mathematics, University of Manchester, UK,
November 2012.
Pure Mathematics Colloquia, School of Mathematics and
Statistics, University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK,
September 2012.
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Finite basis
problems for finite semirings.
Mathematics Colloquium, Mathematical
Institute of the Serbian Academy
of Sciences and Arts,
Belgrade, Serbia, April 2007.
Identities of
two-dimensional languages.
Foundations of Computer Science Seminar, Institute of
Informatics, University of Szeged, Hungary, May 2006.
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Results on
involution semigroups.
Algebra Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of
Ni, Serbia, April 2003.
Some problems
on semigroups, groups, and rings.
Algebra Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of
Ni, Serbia, May 2002.
On the
equational axiomatisation of algebras of formal languages.
Mathematical Logic
Seminar, Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of
Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, June 2000.
Colloquium, Mathematical
Institute of the Serbian
Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, May
On identities
of Kleene algebras.
Algebra Seminar,
Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged, Hungary, March
Seminar, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, March 1999.
On dynamic
Algebra Seminar, Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged,
Hungary, March 1998.
conference talks
Free spectra of
finite semigroups and the Seif Conjecture.
Semigroups and
Applications 2012, Uppsala, Sweden, August 2012.
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(I)NFB results
for finite unary semigroups.
3rd Novi Sad Algebraic Conference - NSAC 2009, Novi
Sad, Serbia, August 2009.
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A nonfinitely
based finite semiring.
2nd Novi Sad Algebraic Conference - NSAC 2005, Novi
Sad, Serbia, July 2005.
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Some results on the lattice of
varieties of involution semigroups.
on Semigroups, Szeged, Hungary, July 2000.
Varieties of
involution semigroups.
Workshop on Algebra (honouring the 65th birthday of Svetozar
Milić), Novi Sad, Serbia, September 1999.
Some results on
the equational axiomatisation of Kleene algebras.
Conference in
Algebra (honouring the 70th birthday of Ervin Fried),
Budapest, Hungary, August 1999.
On dynamic
The 12th Conference on Applied Mathematics - PRIM 1997,
Subotica, Serbia, September 1997.